Past simple

Use the past simple to talk about finished events in the past. Use it to tell stories, jokes and anecdotes.

1)            Many past tense verbs are formed by adding -ed to the end of the verb.
want      =>           wanted
start       =>           started

If a verb ends in e, just add d (liked, hoped).
If a verb ends in y, delete y and add ied (studied, carried). But don’t do this if the verb ends in a vowel + y (played, NOT plaied. stayed, NOT staied)

But a lot of past tense verbs are irregular. You need to learn each one separately. Here are some examples.
have      =>           had                        make     =>           made
take       =>           took                       sit           =>           sat
get         =>           got                         feel        =>           felt

Past simple verbs are the same for all persons. 
I went; you went; he went; she went; they went; we went...    

2)            Form negatives this way:

I, you, he , she, we, they...


infinitive verb
know, see, go

Don’t use the past verb in negative sentences.
I didn’t had dinner.         =>           I didn’t have dinner.

3) Form questions this way:


I, you, he , she, we, they...

infinitive verb
know, see, go